Welcome to my blog
Honoured Reader,
Pick up an average early 18th-century book of music printed in Paris and you’ll probably find a standard statement, woven by the composer into the preface - something along the lines of “Your humble servant, I was pushed by praise and encouragement of my generous friends and colleagues to commiting this very book to printing so as to allow access to my mere music trifles to the broader audience. Oh, how indebted I am to their trust and support, without which these lines would never have seen daylight”. Nowadays we read it and smirk at the perceived false humility of the author, pretentiously and poorly covering his true intention of getting out there and showing the world what he’s got!
Usually among those armed with forgiving chuckles and indulgent excuses for the authors of the past, recently I’ve found myself on the other side. To my surprise I was given a chance to experience first-hand the position of a comentee of my own work (thus far engaged with purely for the sake of entertainment). What started as an amateur search for interesting descriptions for my Instagram posts has evolved into posts multiple times longer than the size of the pictures they refer to. Haunted by lone ideas suddenly bursting into thoughts, I spent many a sleepless night putting them into words. Until recently never have I suspected that my observations might be of interest to anyone but me (…and perhaps my husband, but he’s biased and just too kind not to listen when I talk). Kind compliments and inquiries about my blog (my WHAT?) made me consider sharing what I write with a broader audience than Instagram, which doesn’t seem particularly supportive of longer texts. After four months of failing attempts at convincing myself not ready for the blog yet, in the end I spontaneously decided to give it a go - I guess the moment was ripe.
What you will find in this space are subjective thoughts and adventures into rabbit holes of mind, my perspective on the art I occupy myself with, reflexions on the backstage and technicalities of musician’s work, sharing of resources I found particularly inspiring or influential, comments to the programs I currently work on, and… if there is anything you would like to add to the above, contact me - let’s chat about it!
Yours Truly,